The Life and Ministry of Paul offers an in-depth exploration of Paul’s remarkable life, from his dramatic conversion to his tireless missionary work and profound theological contributions. In the history of Christianity, the Apostle Paul stands as one of its most influential figures, second only to Jesus Christ Himself.
His life and ministry transformed the early church, spreading the gospel across the Roman Empire and establishing theological foundations that continue to shape Christian faith today.
Paul’s journey from persecutor of Christians to apostle of Christ is more than a story of personal change—it’s a testimony to the power of a direct encounter with the risen Lord, a moment that reshaped his life and set him on a mission driven by divine purpose.
BOOKS (Fiction)
The Flight Trilogy transports readers on a thrilling journey to find true love (Flight to Paradise), to discover faith through the dark valley of fear (Flight into Darkness), and finally to uncover the treasures of lasting peace and satisfying hope (Flight to Freedom).
The eight-year project was inspired by the common threads that connect all of humanity: Love, Faith, and Hope.
Flight to Paradise (Book 1 – Romance): In this heartfelt novel, high school sweethearts Ryan Mitchell and Kerri Hart are torn apart by a series of unfortunate choices, leading them down a path of lost love and overwhelming regret. However, the intervention of a mysterious guiding hand gradually steers them back towards each other, ultimately leading to a chance at redemption and a perfect reunion.
Flight into Darkness (Book 2 – Suspense Thriller): The Mitchell’s experience a very dark time in their lives as fear comes knocking at their front door. Ryan is forced to choose between his life and the life of his wife and two young children.
Flight to Freedom (Book 3 – Inspirational): Time travel gives Ryan Mitchell the opportunity to reverse all of his bad choices in life (Book 1) and avoid walking through the valley of the shadow of death (Book 2).
BOOKS (Non-Fiction)
TRANSFORMED: Three parts (6 lessons each):
“Renewing Your Mind” focuses on the crucial role of the mind in spiritual growth (Romans 12:1-2).
“Renewing Your Will” builds upon the foundation of a renewed mind and explores the essential role of the will in spiritual growth, leading to a life of obedience, trust, and fulfillment in Christ.
“Renewing Your Emotions” delves into how God desires to transform emotional lives, bringing healing, wholeness, and a deeper connection with Him and others.
Solving the Money Puzzle is a Biblically based non-fiction work that reveals God’s plan for financial freedom.
Contrary to secular teaching, financial freedom is not about making money; it is about your relationship with money. God wants Christians to successfully deal with the practical affairs of everyday life, especially their finances.
Solving the Money Puzzle outlines God’s plan for financial freedom—the missing piece to the money puzzle. In nine short chapters, Solving the Money Puzzle explores key Scriptures and parables relating to possessions, wealth-building, work, teaching children, government, and money management (planning, spending, saving, debt, giving, etc.).
Regardless of your current financial situation, through the combined application of sound Biblical and practical principles, financial freedom can become a reality for you—now!
Mike Coe writes stories that are inspired by the common threads that define the human experience–success, failure, love, joy, and heartache. Each story is aimed at leaving his readers with a message of hope for a better tomorrow.
Mike returned to his hometown, Dothan, Alabama, after forty years pursuing career opportunities as a USAF pilot and a 21-year veteran commercial airline pilot. He is married to his high school sweetheart, best friend, and soul mate of forty-seven years. He is the father of two grown children and grandfather of six grandchildren.